Thursday, November 01, 2007

Good Thing!!!

Work was good tonight. I passed Pills on the TCU(Transitional Care Unit) a place where there are normally staffed with 3 nurse's, But tonight was an exception census was low so they only had two nurses then they got a TMA(Trained Medication Aide) ~ME~ I was able to lighten the load for the nurses and allow them to concentrate on their tasks of paperwork etc... Nick came to work tonight and brought me a yummy dinner. It was really nice and i enjoyed having him there for our little dinner date! It's really weird finding out when you've moved in to a position of seniority over people you work with daily, just because you pass pills. I had an aide tonight that i asked to simply get a resident a commode because i was in the middle of pill pass and could not stop to get it. She kind of looked at me like a deer in the headlights and turned and then went on pretending to do work while allowing the other aide to do the majority of it. I discussed this with a nurse on the station and she said that i needed to talk to her face to face and have her nkow that she needs to help me when i am being a TMA etc and I am the worst at confrontation about these things because i feel like i am not one to say that she was doing anything wrong... So i dont know just had to blog about it ... Lots of Love ~Ammers~

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